The Department of Fisheries (DoF) is responsible for all matters pertaining to fishing and fisheries Development Board in Bangladesh. The Department advises the Government in the formulation of Policies and Programs in the field of fisheries. The main focus of the activities is on development of requisite infrastructure in the country for improving fish productivity. It also takes initiative for preservation and protection of livestock through provision of healthcare and expansion of aquaculture.

Department of Fisheries:
Bangladesh Fisheries Development Corporation:
Fish and fisheries industries, infrastructure development and welfare commercial activities in the fisheries sector of the country has been developing.
Fisheries in Bangladesh:
Bangladesh being a first line littoral state of the Indian Ocean has a very good source of marine resources in the Bay of Bengal. The country has an exclusive economic zone of 41,000 square miles (110,000 km2), which is 73% of the country's land area. On the other hand, Bangladesh is a small and developing country overloaded with almost unbearable pressure of human population. In the past, people of Bangladesh were mostly dependent upon land-based proteins. But the continuous process of industrialization and urbanization consumes the limited land area. Now, there is no other way than to harvest the vast under water protein from the Bay of Bengal, which can meet the country's health demand.
The list of native fishes of Bangladesh:
Sea fishes available in Bangladesh:
List of approved fishing farms in Bangladesh:
What is Aquaculture?
Aquaculture, also known as aqua-farming, is the farming of aquatic organisms such as fish, crustaceans, molluscs and aquatic plants etc. Aquaculture involves cultivating fresh water and saltwater populations under controlled conditions, and can be contrasted with commercial fishing, which is the harvesting of wild fish. Broadly speaking, finfish and shellfish fisheries can be conceptualized as akin to hunting and gathering while aquaculture is akin to agriculture. Mariculture refers to aquaculture practiced in marine environments and in under water habitats. (source: Wikipedia).
How to Learn Fisheries and Aquaculture?
There are several training and graduation level studies in Bangladesh. Programs and courses are available here.
Department of Fisheries, the University of Dhaka (DU), Bangladesh:
Training Centers of Fishing and Aquaculture:
Organizations related to fisheries:
Export of shrimp is one of the successful sectors in Bangladesh. BEST-BFQ works on strengthening the fish inspection and control operations at all stages of shrimp supply chain, establishing credible laboratory services and assisting the private entrepreneurs in improving their productivity and compliance with market requirements.
List of approved fish farms by EU:
Thrust Sector in Bangladesh:
Bangladesh Shrimp and Fish Foundation (BSFF) is a non-profit private research and advocacy organization also, created through a USAID Project. It is one of the leading organizations in fisheries sector of Bangladesh. The foundation is dedicated to provide services and enormous support to the country’s shrimp and fish based industry to keep the sector sustainable. It has tremendous popularity in national and international level. It works as an inter-face among the public, private sectors, academic institutions and development agencies. As a supportive and advocacy organization, BSFF works for growth of the shrimp and fish industry on an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable basis.
Bangladesh Fisheries Information Share Home (BdFISH) is an online platform for sharing information for fisheries. All activities of BdFISH are non-commercial as well as voluntary. Commercial advertises are not published on all sites of BdFISH. People, interested in sharing fishery based information, can join BdFISH and can play an important role in its development.
Source of Protein for the People
The Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock (MOFL) is to preserve fishery resources, fulfill the requirement of animal protein through proper management and plan development, increase socio-economic conditions of fishermen, create employment opportunities for rural unemployed and landless people, expand foreign exchange earnings by exporting fish and fishery products and to innovate new technologies through research for fisheries development and preservation.
Research on Fisheries
Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute (BFRI) performs basic and adaptive research for development and optimum utilization of all living aquatic resources and co-ordinate fishery research activities in Bangladesh for maximizing productions and better management of living aquatic resources.